Freebie - Free Workshops
Engaging, empowering and educating free workshops
Product Vision
“The most engaging, empowering and educating free workshops I have attended”
Product Value Proposition
For individuals who are in the process of securing a new job or taking their careers to the next level, EAC Free Workshop is a career based free workshop product that provides engaging, educative and empowering career building workshops to move people in step closer to achieving their next career objectives: more informed, more practical skilled and greater ability to sells themselves better in the job market.
Desire Statement
As an individual who is interested in securing a job as a business analyst | scrum master | product manager, I want to attend free workshop so that I can gain:
1. Improve my current knowledge base
2. Practical skills
3. Improve my job application process
4. Sell myself better
5. Meet like-minded people
OOKR – Objective and Key Results
The key objective of Product – Free Workshop is to positively impact career transformers with the right knowledge, practical skills, and career sales skills to take them to their next career level.
A key outcome – people will start joining EAC as a result of the transformation from our free workshops.
Key Results
1. Product Goal 1 – Create a simple CRM solution for Free Workshop
2. Product Goal 2 – Create a simple end-to-end solution for Free Workshop ecosystem for your first workshop
3. Product Goal 3 – Deliver 5 free workshops using your E2E workshop ecosystem
Power in Numbers